Monday, January 27, 2020
Perelmans Argumentation Theory And International Relations Philosophy Essay
Perelmans Argumentation Theory And International Relations Philosophy Essay The purpose of this essay is to outline the main notions of Chaim Perelmans philosophy as presented in The Realm of Rhetoric. Let it be mentioned here that Perelman never intended his book to be a methodological study book, but a concise work on what justification of values looks like in practical discourse. Still, his works have been widely applied as a methodological tool in the field of international relations. From outlining Perelmans philosophy I will proceed onto how it has been applied in international relations research. In the last part of my essay, I will study how to use Perelmans work in my own research. 2. BACKGROUND Initially, the Polish-born philosopher Chaim Perelman carried his research in law and philosophy along the lines of logical positivism. In 1944, Perelman completed an empiricist study on justice, De La Justiceà [1]à . In his research he concluded that the applications of the law always involve value judgments, and as values cannot be subjected to the rules of logic, the foundations of justice must be arbitrary. Perelman found his own conclusions untenable since value judgments are an integral part of all practical reasoning and decision-making. To deny the value judgments would mean denying the rational foundations of philosophy, politics, law and ethics. As a result of his own empiricist study, Perelman rejected his positivism, absorbing influences from the philosophies that provided a rationale for value judgmentsà [2]à . According to him, the usefulness of logical positivism was limited to the applications of pure scienceà [3]à . Regressive philosophies that provide a rationale for value judgments were just as untenable for him because metaphysics self-evident axioms only one perceived error would cause the metaphysical construction and its claims for universal truths to collapseà [4]à . Prevalent alternatives, especially the existentialism of Jean-Paul Sartre, do not elicit any sympathy from Perelman either: Perelman says that Sartre merely replaces absolutes of metaphysicism with absolute skepticismà [5]à . In 1948 Perelman met with Madame Lucie Olbrechts-Tyteca, with whom he set on a collaboration project, the purpose of which was to develop a philosophy that avoided the absolutes of both positivism and radical relativism. Their basic question can be expressed as: What does justification of values look like in actual, verbal discourse?à [6]à In other words, they set on to research non-formal arguments. Together with Olbrechts-Tytega, Perelman created a theory of rhetoric and argumentation, based upon Greco-Latin rhetoric, as the foundation for a logic of value judgments. Their multidisciplinary study, Traità ¨ de largumentation la nouvelle rhà ©torique was published in French in 1958à [7]à . This work, where Perelman and Olbrechts-Tytega create their theory of rhetoric and argumentation, is the basis of Perelmans The Realm of Rhetoric, where he broadens the original work further. Relying heavily on the works of Aristotle, Perelman concludes that instead of aspiring to universal truths, philosophy in reality is more concerned with persuading specific audiences to accept its claims. For Perelman, a functioning philosophy (which would induce action and essential aspects of being) should be constructed on probabilities, not universal truths, and it should also be able to carry propositions of values stemming from its reception by particular audiences.à [8]à 3. THE NEW RHETORIC AND THEORY OF ARGUMENTATION Rhetoric and theory of argumentation form the central core of Perelmans thought. Perelmans study of argumentation is the study of discursive techniques that induce or increase the minds adherence to the theses presented for its assentà [9]à . As Arnoldà [10]à proposes, Perelmans realm of rhetoric is the entire universe of argumentative discourse. Perelmans rhetoric is based on the idea that since argumentation aims at securing the adherence of those to whom it is addressed, argumentation is relative to the audience to be influencedà [11]à . Thus, rhetoric is an art of persuasion. 3.1. Audience and the premises of argumentation Argumentation is a person-centered activity it is personal because it starts with the premises that the audience acceptsà [12]à . As for the audience, Perelman sticks to the twin concepts of a particular audience and a universal audience; while every argument is directed to a specific individual or a group, it is up to the speaker to decide what information and data will win the greatest adherence according to an ideal audienceà [13]à . The aim of all argumentation is to move an audience from an agreement on the premises to an agreement about some conclusion, to modify an audiences convictions through discourse, gain a meeting of minds instead of imposing its will through constraint or conditioningà [14]à . Thus, all argumentation must begin from bases of agreement adequately accepted by the audience prior to the argument. Perelman differentiates between two categories of bases of agreement: the first category consist of facts and truths, the second of the values and hie rarchiesà [15]à . Facts and truths here can be understood as supposedly having been accepted by the universal audience, whereas the second category, the values, which can be concrete and abstract, are not universalà [16]à . Establishing values as a starting point of argumentation is important as they may influence action and define good behavior. Values are usually arranged in hierarchies, for instance the superiority of the just over the useful; as a starting point for argumentation an audience may value both but in argument set a preference between the twoà [17]à . The last argument starting point, to draw the attention of the audience, is creating a presence. Perelman refers to creating and evoking presence as a technique belonging uniquely in the realm of rhetoric, reaching beyond space and time; convincing an audience through their imagination.à [18]à 3.2. Techniques of argumentation As the non-formal argument depends on the adherence of an audience, the orator must see to it that his successive elements of an argument will be accepted or adhered to by the audience. Perelman offers two basic techniques to achieve this: firstly, the association through quasi-logical arguments, and appeals to reality; secondly responding to incompatible opinions through dissociation of concepts.à [19]à Quasi-logical arguments resemble logical, mathematical thinking. However, a quasi-logical argument always presupposes adherence to non-formal theses which alone allow the application of the argumentà [20]à . An example of this would be a parlamentarian presenting budget figures in the Parliament, with the aim of initiating an additional rescue package for banks. He/she presents actual figures but purports them in a certain way in his argumentation, in order to convince his/her audience. Association through appealing to reality, on the other hand, refers to affirming of a causal tie between phenomena. From this vantage point argumentation can be directed toward the search for causes, the determination of effects, and the evaluation of a fact by its consequences, which in some cases leads to further inquiriesà [21]à . A simple example of this could be a discovery of a corpse and the consequences that follow this particular action. Other ways of argumentation by appealing to reality include examples, illustrations, models and analogyà [22]à . The second technique dissociation of concepts the orator uses when the tenets of an argument are incompatible with accepted opinion. Perelmans view is that when faced with the incompatibilities that ordinary thought encounters, a person tries to resolve it in a theoretically satisfying manner by reestablishing a coherent vision of reality by dissociating the ideas accepted in the start. An example of this dissociation to an appearance vs. reality, a practice found directly or indirectly in all dissociations, could be an oar plunged into the water it appears broken but when we touch it, it is straight. Accordingly, appearances have an equivocal status some of them correspond to reality but sometimes they are only a source of an illusion.à [23]à 4. PERELMANS ARGUMENTATION THEORY AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS First and foremost, Perelman was a philosopher, not a theoretician in the field of international relations. Secondly, as far as I have understood it, he never aimed his project on rhetoric and argumentation theory, neither his book The Realm of Rhetoric, to be used as a book of methodology in any academic discipline per se. Anyway, during the past two decades there has been a lot of research in the field of international relations that focus on the impact of the politics of talk, or linguistic practices on world politics. Rhetoric and argumentation theory have been used extensively as a method. However, in my opinion, different scholarly communities seem to be pursuing different agendas on different forums, and despite the overlaps, complementarities and possible unification of how language matters in politics, seems to be beyond reach. The different forms of talk bargaining, rhetoric, commonplaces, legal argument, verbal fighting take place in different forums in the sectarian field of international relations. The different forums vary in the degree to which they are public, or rule-governed/institutionalized. The talk of politics also exerts its effects through different mechanisms legitimization, representational force, grafting, framing, persuasion, coercion. The political effects of talk are manifold: the resolution or the escalation of the conflict, the acceptance of or resistance to authority and domination, the construction and transformation of identities and narratives, etc.à [24]à What I would conclude about Perelmans rhetoric and theory of argumentation in the realm of international relations, is that as a method it is extremely adaptable and flexible, and it has thus been used extensively. An itemized listing of using Perlmans philosophy as a method in the different studies in international relations, apart from on the general level, as in the previous chapter, would run tens of pages. When trying to find examples of studies in the field of international relations, where Perelmans philosophy had been applied as a method, the most interesting one I stumbled upon was a study by the Viennese researcher Markus Kornprobst, called International Relations as Rhetorical Discipline. Kornprobst proposes that the irreconcilable differences and debates inside the fragmented discipline of international relations are not that irreconcilable and immeasurable at all if we understand the discipline in Perelmanian terms. He proposes, borrowing from Bakhtin and Gadamer that we should understand international relations as a field of overlapping paradigms, which are not hermetically sealed and sectarian. Speechlessness, non-communication inside the discipline can be overcome by uncovering overlaps. Secondly, he argues that this can be applied even to the most irreconcilable epistemological differences (positivism/postpositivism) inside the discipline. His heuristic vehicle for uncover ing overlaps is a classification of epistemological stances in Ancient Greece, which in Kornprobsts study starts from the thesis that international relations is a rhetorical discipline; based on its Aristotelian truth claims, the modes of reasoning and its manner of disseminating what is taken to be knowledge. Thus, the epistemological differences inside the discipline are actually not irreconcilable at all. Dialogue can develop out of the overlap of the horizons and (re)produce the shared language across horizons on which a scholarly community depends.à [25]à 5. PERELMAN AND MY OWN RESEARCH I have planned to write my Masters thesis on Thailands democratization process and the national identity of Thainess. I am still at the early stages in my thesis. However, I am planning to use an interdisciplinary theoretical framework in my thesis, along the lines of the political thought of Robert J.Cox, Antonio Gramsci, Karl Polanyi and Gianbattista Vico. Let it be mentioned here that I am only beginning to outline the theoretical framework of my thesis, so the method I am going to use is still open. However, my intention is to study how the Western concept of democracy has been implemented in the local Thai context so that the concept of democracy has been assimilated to the strong nation state by the local competing elites. In this process, the local elites have used the concept of democracy as an instrument of order and discipline. This elite liberal democracy has been used to create Western-style projects, of which creating a national identity of Thai-ness -project is a prime example to suppress diverse segments of population. Thus, the liberal democracy is a kind of ideological tool to secure hegemony to control and discipline the population. An important part of the hegemonic process is immersing for instance the civil society, various peoples movements and democracy it into creating obedient citizens, who will act as guardians to the elite and their interest. In the centre of the national identity project in Thailands particular case is the monarchy. My emphasis would be on the socio-cultural interplay between rulers and ruled within state struggles over hegemony leading to different ways along which domination and resistance can be studied. Initially, I thought my emphasis would not be on economics and on the economical analysis, however during the research process my research is directing me more and more towards the international political economy and critical geography.à [26]à When it comes to the applicability of Perelmans rhetoric and argumentation theory to my thesis as a method, the argumentative approach would be easily applicable. As footnote here: Gramsci offers a very elastic frame of thinking, which calls for interdisciplinarity and open-mindedness just like Perelmans philosophy doesà [27]à . A good starting point to use Perelman in my own research would be the central notion in Gramscis thinking, namely hegemony. Hegemony is a multilayered concept; it operates within the duality force/consent and violence/persuasion that to Gramsci characterizes the nature of power. It acquires concrete structure and specific content particularly during those periods in history in which the people or the masses either form the ground for political action or become a force in politicsà [28]à . According to Gramsci, capitalism maintains control not only through political and economic coercion and force but also ideologically, through a hegemonic cultureà [29]à . Any class that wishes to dominate in a society, has to move beyond economic-corporate interests, to exert moral and intellectual influence and to make alliances and compromises with different social forces to create a counter-hegemonic historic blocà [30]à . Applying Perelmans rhetoric and theory of argumentation in analyzing Gramscis notion of hegemony would mean analyzing everyday argumentative discourse in public policy, in my thesis it would involve the dichotomy between the struggle of the subaltern classes versus the dominant elites. What is the dominant discourse in holding onto power of the different elites and how is it used to solidify the sovereignty of the authoritarian state over different segments of society struggling for power? What are the aspects of the dominant discourse, political, economical and cultural? As Gramsci sees the society as an organic process, much like the modern physics, he also sees the prevailing hegemony as a process on many levels, including the struggle between the authoritarian state and subaltern classes. Thus, the history of the subaltern classes and counterhegemonical forces is bound to be sporadic, depending on the political space that the subaltern classes manage to create for themselves at certain periods of history. What is the public discourse and the argumentative discourse of the subaltern classes like, and what are its implications when the space the subaltern forces create for themselves at these historical periods? How to interpret the talk of politics in my own research? In many respects, Perelmans rhetoric and theory of argumentation offers an extremely interesting and fruitful tool for my own research. However, as I am still writing my own research plan and doing the background research, I will leave the option of which method to use, open. 6. CONCLUSIONS In this essay, I have tried to outline Chaim Perelmans sometimes obscure philosophy on rhetoric and theory of argumentation. Perelmans theory has been widely applied as a methodological tool in the overlapping fields of research in the academic discipline of international relations. When it comes down to my own research, I find that Perelmans rhetoric and theory of argumentation is definitely one possible option I can as a methodological tool. 7. SOURCES OF REFERENCE: Agnew, J. (2001): The New Global Economy. Time-Space Compression, Geopolitics and Uneven Development. Journal of World Systems Research VII, 2, Fall 2001, 133- 154. . Accessed 15/12/2010. Arnold, C.C. (2008): Introduction. In Perelman, Ch. : The Realm of Rhetoric. Notre Dame, IN: UND Press, vii-xx. Cox, R. (1987): Production, Power and World Order: Social Forces In Making the World History. New York: Columbia University Press. Fontana, B. (2005): The Democratic Philosopher. Rhetoric as Hegemony in Gramsci. Italian Culture 23 (2005), 97-123. Accessed 15/12/2010. Gramsci, A. (2007): Selections from the Prison Notebooks. Edited and translated by Q. Hoare and G.N. Smith. London: Lawrence and Wishart. Gross, A.J. R.D. Dearin (2003): Chaim Perelman. Albany, N.Y.: SUNY Press. Kornprobst, M. (2009): International Relations as Rhetorical Discipline. International Studies Review 11(1), 1-22. . Accessed 14/12/2010. Perelman, Ch. (2008): The Realm of Rhetoric. Notre Dame, IN: UND Press. Perelman, Ch. L. Olbrechts-Tytega (1969): The Treatise on New Rhetoric and Argumentation. Notre Dame, IN: UND Press. The Politics of Talk in International Relations. A Workshop at the Research Centre Transformations of the State.University of Bremen 27-28 July 2010. . Accessed 14.12.2010.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Industrial Efficiency :: essays papers
Industrial Efficiency This article, in the Journal of Economic History, Asher explains the differences in efficiency between the American and British textile industries. This has been a highly debated topic with many economists weighing in. In Asherââ¬â¢s analysis, he uses a very empirical approach, rather then trying to explain differences in data with a sociological approach as other economists have. Asher begins by explaining the leading theory in manufacturing efficiency that Rothbarth and Habakkuk developed. Their main explanation for differences is the population disparities between the two countries. In England, there was a labor surplus, while in America, there was a labor scarcity. This scarcity forced American entrepreneurs to implement extremely efficient production methods. While this may be a plausible explanation, Asher maintains that it lacks rigorous formulation and testing. In response, Asher develops a model, using a production function with constant elasticity of substitution. Within the model, he tries to factor for bias in technical change. Tests were run to determine two different explanations: (a) labor-saving bias was used in America and capital-saving bias was used in Britain; or (b) there was labor-saving bias in both countries, but there was more technical progress in America. The test indicates that there is a labor saving bias in both countries. This was the expected outcome that follows the Rothbarth-Habakkuk theory. However, in an unexpected outcome, it appears that the test maintains a capital-saving bias in Britain, as well. This is a combination of the two anticipated outcomes and seems to be opposite of the Rothbarth-Habakkuk theory. This article highlights the technical changes examined in the reading in Chapter 17 of the W&R textbook. While the textbook concentrates on the mass production of goods such as steel, it was interesting to read about a good that individual members of society buy daily ââ¬â textiles. I think it
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Electronic Auditing Procedures to Monitor the Computer Use of Employees Essay
Imagining weight on a scale, when one goes up, the other one goes down. The natural order of life is the balance signaling there is always a price to pay for an achievement. In line with the explosion of the information and technology development, the quality of life has been literally perceived as jumping onto a higher level of realm. But on the other side of the scale is the humanity, the price to pay for such an advance achievement. Consequently there is the need to look into the matter on whether the technology should advance the humanity or it should be the otherwise. Therefore, this report will focus on the causes and the effects of the problems arisen, thus outlined few suggestions to overcome the issue before the spark triggered the fire. This report has been designed structurally from identifying the problem, the effect and subsequently discuss on the measurements to balance the order. There are lots of companies have run the electronic auditing procedures to monitor the computer use of the employees. They perceived this matter seriously because the future achievement is their priority. But is the implementation of the employee monitoring system is necessary is still under a heat debate because it deals with their privacy and individual right. We should make a clear statement that company computing systems are provided as tools for business and all information created, accessed, or stored using these systems are the property of the company and are subject to monitoring, auditing, or review. Even though the management has the authority to do so as the management is their source of income, but it is appropriate for the management to also look into their welfare as equal priority. Therefore, this report will focus on both side of the scale and dwell into both the benefits and the harms on implementing such a major monitoring system. Below (Diagram 1. 0) is the finding of a research conducted by The American Management Association as published in the Business Week, December 2012 edition. Before we dealt with the issue, it is best for us to understand on how does the system works. Then only we will proceed on the why should we or should not we implement such system. First off, the system enable the administrator to overlook or monitor the employees screen using his/her own computer, to be exact, we can know what the employees are viewing or doing with their computer. This gives the advantage for the administrator to save a screen shot of the employeeââ¬â¢s computer to be kept as evidence in the time to come. Next, the administrator can also access in to the employees computer at any time, any will, as if we are using the employeesââ¬â¢ mouse and keyboard. With that, the administrator can turn off or terminate the non-work related program accessed by the employees. On the other hand, the administrator can as well have access into all of the documents, folders and the program installed or downloaded into the computer, even without the employeesââ¬â¢ consent. Diagram 2. 0 can best summarize the whole idea of the employees monitoring system. A drop of water can spoil the whole pot of milk. Sometimes precautions are essential to make sure things are in order. In nowadays life, the world is but at the fingertips. Most of the information is accessible anywhere anytime with the internet network so well established. It is no doubt the digital world evolves and still evolving in a drastic manner that brings the world into the greater level of live. But ironically, the money value for the technology drops steadily compare to the drastic development of the cyber world. We are getting a first class infrastructure development with an increasing transferring speed into the cyber world yet the subscription fee does not increase as much in parallel. The end result is the technology is now affordable even to the lowest hierarchy of the society. This easy-accessed phenomenon created another easy-influenced phenomenon where the cyber space has been widely used in reverse quality achievement so known as the cyber abuse. Cyber abuse has also become an infectious viral hit other than the gangnam style and the Harlem shake. The first and foremost situation to draw a frown on the face is the frequent visit to indecent websites, or pornography to be frank. Psychologically, such an act can retard the brain development yet catalyst sexual sensation. Though it is sensual to the eyes and the lust, but it will draw the vision into the dust. This situation also encourages sexual harassment among the colleague which will later on put a flame onto the companyââ¬â¢s fame. Not to be pessimist, but this is what really happen in the world of reality. Though it goes mutual but a lot of families are in serious crisis because the authority put the hand on the elbow and let the spark burns the oil. The affairs among the colleague will definitely fuel up the existing official internal affairs, not to mention in depth in the report. Next is the overused of the social hub. When a thousand miles of distance only separated by an inch of screen, the companyââ¬â¢s achievement will be a thousand light years behind the mission. Such scenario shifted the working focus to series of pointless communication resulting in miscommunication and lack of communication situation among the subordinates thus creating a plosive conversation here and there with huge blows, reaching no common goals, drowning further away against the stream. Good communications skills will no longer go verbally but upon a long sour facial expression, or even in written form. Verbal communication has always been the best medium in delivering day to day conversation, sharing thoughts and ideologies, thus nurturing a good social responsibility among the society. With verbal communication at stake, the social responsibility has also being driven onto the cliff, just a step towards rolling down the hill. We can no longer practice good discussions skills, daily conversations are no longer moderate. There is a call to climb back the cliff to rectify the problems. It is belief the implementation of the employee monitoring system can enhance the information transferring system thus improving the communication system. With the widespread of such working environment, next comes the misused of the communication and information technology. Blackmail and poison pen letter have since become threats. Dissatisfaction now leads to direct complaint to the superior without direct confrontation or discussion; even a compliment can turn into a complaint with such scenario growing firm affectively in the habit formation. Lot of reports has been lodged without thorough investigation, even worse when it is a blind accusation where the innocents have to take on the blame. A bunch of ants can also be a disaster; the growing numbers of complaints also bring chaos to the management. Worse still, most of the complaints have to be left unattended without resolution. This will also tainted our reputation and credibility as the top management because of our failure in resolving all the complaints. Another less concern issue is the online games addiction. Though such matter seems to leave no major effect but it still leaves a black dot on the blank slate. Employees with such addiction set aside practically all other activities in favor of playing computer games almost endlessly. Gamers who engage with extremely excessive daily gaming routines can find it difficult to make room for much else in the office. Some addicts allow jobs and careers to collapse in order to spend more time playing their favorite games. Furthermore, online games are not merely games, to a larger extend, they deal with gambling. With financial issue at stake, the focus is now on winning the jack pot like an ant in the hot pot. The companyââ¬â¢s economy status is no longer the major concern as long as it does not effecting the payrolls. All of the above mentioned situations subsequently lead to the climate changes of the working environment. Workers are building and living in the virtual world of their own, reflecting the world of reality at the other side of the mirror, turning everything upside down. Another minor issue not to be missed out is the waste of time and energy. In the name of time, verily, man is in loss. The companyââ¬â¢s performance is greatly affected when most of the task are not submitted in due time. Even when it is, the quality and the outcome do not get the end meet. Worse still when we have to bare all of the cost of the energy wasted for each and every workersââ¬â¢ entertainment. Based on the research conducted by The American Management Association, every company loses quit an amount of budget due to non-work related browsing. Somehow, it is understandable that the entire act can created a stress free working environment where they can channel the tense into the cyber space. Looking at the positive side, the use of the cyber space is actually one of the most powerful and effective information transferring and sharing method. The continuous development of the cyber technology has proved that the digital networking chain is indeed the key towards ultimate success if being use in proper management. Another major issue to look into is the misused of the confidential information of the company. Again, based on the finding, most of the employees confessed of leaking the confidential information to third parties, non-related to the company, or even to the archrivals of the company. It implies the information security breach where the employees can easily access and leak the information to the outsider. Nonetheless, this has also caused quite a few billions loss to the company income. Such scenario reflected on the management failure in preserving it confidentiality and information security system. Here comes the call to put all of the employeesââ¬â¢ communication system inclusive of e-mail to be put under strict surveillance. However, it should be noted that enraged employees can cause an organization legal problems and liability in other methods such as by writing a letter, having a conversation, sending a fax or making a phone call just as easily as by sending an e-mail or misusing the Internet. So much so, we must recognize that some activities have a limited investment return. For example, with the exception of support center telephone operators, few telephone conversations are monitored because some casual or personal usage is expected and tolerated. Though the implementation of the electronic auditing procedure can benefit the company in almost every aspect but the invasion of the individual right and the employeesââ¬â¢ privacy are the aspects not to be neglected. Ensuring proper use of organizational technology begins with outlining what is proper and what is not. Looking from the angle of an outsider, the welfare of the workers is not taken care of and it can cause a serious morale problem. Still, monitoring can be controversial because employees often view it as invasive, distracting, and stressful However, precaution steps need to be outlined to curb the problems mentioned. It can be considered as a system upgrading process to improve the companyââ¬â¢s achievement. Our view is that we are showing a great concern towards the workers progression from time to time. Thereââ¬â¢s no doubt that the employee monitoring has become more common nowadays. However, overly intrusive practices can create the negative perception that the boss is watching. The solution, therefore, is to balance your need for protection with your employeesââ¬â¢ desire for as much privacy as possible. So the idea is to implement the system with a little modification where the management can still monitor the employeesââ¬â¢ computer yet the employees are still comfortable with such implementation. As the years roll by, workers can develop self awareness thus nurturing a great self discipline in carrying out the tasks assigned. In the case of e-mail, we should only use the companyââ¬â¢s local area network emails outlook system to oversee the whole information transferring system. In a way, there is no other email service provider to be use in the office. The implementation of the system can be carried out in a specified timeframe so the employees still have the key to hold onto their privacy life. Yet the management should also take into consideration to block the access into certain website and IE download as a mean to overcome the individual morale issue while in the office. Workplaces subjected to high security surveillance basically are culturally troubled where trust is missing. Data collected during monitoring is subject to misuse in ways that could result the organization to liability. Our concern is that without proper handling and adequate corporate governance, employers may abuse the monitoring system. Human resource department should take the initiative to development a better programmer team under the management surveillance to take care of the system or it might become an individual right violation if the teams themselves misused the authority to oversee the system. It is utmost important now to develop a highly skilled, knowledgeable and professionally high etiquette team to encourage employee loyalty and lead to more satisfied employees. Managers and technology professionals must take steps to ensure the negative impact is minimized. With consideration from every point of view, it is utmost important to highlight there is a need for a change of wind. Given the risk of legal liability, productivity loss, and drain on bandwidth, it is clear why we must implement a blended and acceptable use policies and monitor resource usage. To qualify, the consent can be expressed in the written form with the business related reasons stated clearly on why it is being implemented. A great start is a good jump towards success, the best starting point for any organization should be the consultation with their legal counsel and other relevant parties to determine what type and scope of policy would be best suited for the organization. There should also be a defensive wall from accessing into improper website. Other than that, employees should also know that the monitoring system will only being carried out during the working hours. They still have their right into their own privacy life during the lunch hour and after the office hour. Therefore they can still maintain the stress free environment at the office. Again, the implementation of such system must be within the employees consent so they are aware of the situation that they are being watch at certain timeframe. The company policy should also embrace that the computer system and communications services are the property of the employer as well as include the penalties for policy violations, up to service termination. To show our concern towards both the companyââ¬â¢s prospect and the employees privacy right, the approach to create the balance is neither the management is doing nothing nor monitor everything, but overseeing something yet the employees can still do their things at their own pace and comfort. With the implementation of this blended and modified monitoring system, let us put forth the hope of bringing the company into a greater level in the economy world.
Friday, January 3, 2020
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